Well done. You've clicked the tower. This would actually achieve something if you had logged in first. Use the key for that. The name takes you home. This is where all the applicables sit. And you can't apply any changes to my site unless you are logged in.
Our policy is best summarized as "we don't care about _you_, we care about _them_", no emails, so no forgetting your password. You have no rights. It's like you don't even exist. If you publish material, I reserve the right to remove it, or use it myself.
Don't impersonate. Don't name someone involuntarily. You can lose everything if you cross the line, and no, I won't cancel your automatic payments first, so you'll have to do it the hard way. See how serious this sounds? That's how serious you're meant to take these.
May 13, 2024, 4:31 a.m.
can be harvested from the strips of striking paper from a match-box. can be used to make white phosphorous by burning on top of cold ceramic. the sticky stuff left over generates smoke in your finger tips if you rub it.
May 13, 2024, 5:14 a.m.
CO2 + H2 -> CH4 + H20
carbon dioxide hydrogenation.
Can be combined with the steam reformation reaction. Simply make H2 rich environment.
May 13, 2024, 5:29 a.m.
With paint polish you can create a surface that allows you to put chalk on the surface without it sticking to the paper underneath, draw a picture, polish it/varnish it, and then proceed to make a drawing in chalk/charcoal and wipe it away with a tissue to reveal black and white under white, or black and white under black.
Feb. 22, 2025, 10:48 a.m.
Ask koz huh, if there's a reason you're asking me a question then allegedly it's a loaded question. Only pointlessness will do here for me. Load the gun.
This word has no one up standing posed on safety of reuse.
Death aint certain, death me yesterday, damn you dead, oh shit pot luck. Bleed after me, drain my blood, bleed bloood blood aint free, bleed for purpose, pleasure for glory, bleed unto us, bleed unto, blood unto blood, blood unto bloarders, blood unto bleeding, blood is bloody, bloody aint bleeding, bleeding bleeding, blood is blood, bleeding bleeding, blood blood, bleeding bleeding blood bleeding bleeding blood. Tooth in nail. Nail in board. Board in nail. Nail in head. Head in nail. Nail in head. Head to nail. Nail the head. Head the nail. Islain snail. Snail the head. Head the snail. sail the head. head to sail. sail a head. buy a booby, bitches is nudey, nude is dudey, dudi nuti. Nuti duti. Duti nuti. Nute the duti. Dute nuti. Isna nuti, nisna nute nit nuti nute ti duti duti duti ti nuti. tit ti nuti nute de duty duty nuti nuti duty. islain misnail snail misnail snail misnail snail snail. snail his snail. his snail is snail. he sa snail. sa snail da mail. mail da snail. snail da mail. mail da mail. snail snail. isno snow snail ne now. now ne snail. isna nail.